Remembering Dan Harbaugh

For over thirty years, Dan Harbaugh was the charismatic leader of the Ronald McDonald House Charities in St. Louis. The St. Louis City House, which would be the biggest and best Ronald McDonald House ever, was his longtime vision and dream. The new $29 million facility provides a home away from home for families with seriously ill children travelling to St. Louis to receive medical care. In close proximity to Cardinal Glennon, St. Louis Children’s, and Shriners hospitals, it includes 72 suite-style guest rooms, each with a sitting area and kitchenette.  Other notable features include playrooms for kids, an outdoor terrace, a commercial kitchen, and themed rooms adorned with gear from the St. Louis Cardinals and Blues. Sadly, Dan passed away in August after a long battle with cancer, but not before celebrating the realization of his vision at the grand opening last June. Dan was an inspiring leader and a true friend to BSI. As just one example, in an email he sent us during the project, he noted “as I go about STL and talk about our new house and the fact that BSI is doing it….everyone says, ‘Dan you can’t get any better than BSI’ and it is proven to be true.” Dan Harbaugh improved so many lives in St. Louis. We at BSI are privileged to have known him, and to have had the opportunity to be his builder for this important St. Louis landmark.

Dan Harbaugh

Bsi Admin